A. H. Belo


Belo Corp. (Belo) is a television company. The Company owns 20 television stations, including ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CW and MyNetwork TV (MNTV) affiliates, and their associated websites, in 15 markets across the United States. The Company also has three l...




Org chart

Robert W. Decherd
Chairman, President & CEO

Robert W. Decherd

Grant S. Moise
Publisher and President Dallas Morning News
Julie Hoagland
Senior Vice President & Chief People Officer
Katy Murray
Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Jeremy van Zee
Vice President Product Engineering
Leona Allen Ford
Chief Talent And Diversity Officer/ Deputy Publisher
Teri Andrews
Vice President Of Technology Enterprise Apps Strategy
L. William Garr
Director, Networks And Servers
Tracey Thompson
Technical Manager
Sony Simon
Packaging Specialist
Christopher Patheiger
Chief Product And Innovation Officer
Don Whitaker
Technical Team Member