Active Brands


Active Brands is a supplier of premium brand goods to sports retail in the Nordic region. The brand portfolio consists currently of Kari Traa (womens sportswear), Bula (accessories) , Vossatassar (kids wear), Åsnes (skis), Bjørn Dæhlie (cross country skiwear), Sweet Protection ( ski helmets, protect... Read more





Org chart

Erik Hegbom
Chief Growth Officer (cgo) And General Manager Sweet Protection
Monessa Tørge
Art Director Senior Graphic Designer At Dæhlie Åsnes BULA
Sarah Hansine Johansen
Head Of Design Johaug
Silje Fillingsnes-Jandal
Head Of Design Dæhlie Sportswear
Anne Messelt
Sourcing And Production Planning Director
Øystein Bråta
Chief Operating Officer
Richard Richy Thomas
Sales Director
Frank Juklestad
Brand Manager
Jarle Wermskog
Sport Marketing Manager Dæhlie
Karoline Hegbom
Marketing Manager
Linda Halvorsen Linnebo
Marketing Manager
René Kartveit
Brand Manager Bula