Air Force Research Laboratory


WHAT WE DO We lead the discovery, development and delivery of warfighting technologies for our air, space and cyberspace forces. Through unparalleled research, tomorrow’s technology and strategic partnerships, we give our warfighters unmatched advantage in the field. Balancing a legacy of success wi... Read more





Org chart

Timothy Sakulich
Executive Director

Timothy Sakulich

Alexis Bonnell
Chief Information Officer
Timothy J. Bunning
Chief Technology Officer
James Mitchell
Chief, Media Operations And Engagements
Mandi McKinley
Chief Of Operations, Integrated Capabilities Directorate
Bryan Stevens
Chief Talent Acquisition
Alec Kirbabas
Chief, Financial Management - Space S&t
Dr. Heather Marshall
Chief Of Organizational Research, Health & Development
Frank Feldmann
Chief, Engagement Planning, Tracking, And Metrics
Kevin Rooney
Chief Of Developmental Planning
Raymond Hoy
Events And Trade Show Lead
Candace Williams
Chief Of Contracting
Joseph A. Mancini
Chief Patent Counsel