Airlines for America


Airlines for America (A4A) advocates on behalf of its members to shape crucial policies and measures that promote safety, security and a healthy U.S. airline industry. We work collaboratively with airlines, labor, Congress and the Administration and other groups to improve air travel for everyone. A... Read more


Washington, US




Org chart

Nicholas E. Calio
President And CEO

Nicholas E. Calio

Nando Cesarone
EVP & President,
Christine M. Burgeson
Senior Vice President, Global Government Affairs
Keith A. Glatz
Senior Vice President
Patricia N. Vercelli
Senior Vice President , General Counsel And Secretary
Paul R. Archambeault
Senior Vice President, Chief Financial And Operating Officer
Sharon L. Pinkerton
Senior Vice President, Legislative And Regulatory Policy
Karen Keller
Chief Of Staff
Rebecca Miller Spicer
Senior Vice President, Communications
Francis Heil
Managing Director, Safety
James van Epps
Managing Director, Cargo Security, Customs & Facilitation
Scott Mearns
Managing Director, Information Technology
Sean Newsum
Managing Director, Environmental Affairs
Marlin Collier
Managing Director Of Communications
Catherine Bucht
Managing Director - Fuel Optimization
Marty Reynolds (Brig Gen
Managing Director, Cybersecurity
John Heimlich
Vice President & Chief Economist