The Mobile Development Team at AppUnite specializes in creating high-quality, user-friendly mobile applications across iOS and Android platforms. Composed of skilled developers and QA engineers proficient in native and cross-platform technologies, they work closely with partners to seamlessly integrate into existing teams or build products from the ground up. Their agile approach and expertise ensure that each project not only meets but exceeds client expectations, driving innovation and efficiency in mobile software development.
Boris Safonov
Android developer
Damian Kasperski
Flutter Developer
Dominik Drąg
iOS Developer
Dominik Leszczyński
iOS Engineer
Dominika Para
Mobile QA Engineer
Jakub Kostrzewski
Flutter Developer
Joachim Schmidt
Flutter Developer
Kacper Jagiełło
iOS Developer
Kamil Waszkiewicz
iOS Developer
Krzysztof Daniluk
Android Developer
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