The Teachers team at Ark Academy (Wembley Park) is dedicated to fostering high achievement and personal growth in students. They specialize in various subjects including Mathematics, English, French, Spanish, Music, History, Politics, Geography, and Art. These educators implement in-depth subject studies through an extended school day and offer enriching extracurricular activities. They continuously enhance their teaching methods to ensure students are well-prepared for university or their chosen careers.
Arzoo Mukarram
Ks2 Teacher And Languages Lead
Chloe P.
History And Politics Teacher
Connor O'Hare
Mathematics Teacher
Darshani Meghani
Mathematics Teacher
Emily Ni Heaghra
ATT English Teacher
Isabelle Allan
Head Of Music And Drama
Jodi-Ann Johnson
English Teacher
Olivia Walsh
MFL Teacher
Pui Sze Jennifer C.
ECT Art And DT Teacher
Sandra Stewart
GCSE & Ks3 Teacher: French & S...
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