The Associated


The Associated is Jewish philanthropy in Baltimore. We bring together the financial resources, planning expertise and the passion of the community to make it a better place for all.





Org chart

Andrew Cushnir
President & CEO

Andrew Cushnir

Marc B. Terrill
President Emeritus
Mark Smolarz
Chief Operating & Financial Officer
Ruth Miller
Chief, Community Planning & Allocations
Allison R. Baumwald
SVP, Annual Campaign
Michael I. Friedman
SVP, Philanthropic Planning & Services
Allison Rinker
VP, Human Resources
Ben Gershowitz
VP, Facilities
Carole Taylor
VP, Technology
Connie Stern
VP, Finance
Darlene Wolff
VP, Risk Management
Larisa Spirt
VP Marketing
Melinda Michel
VP, Women’s Philanthropy
Michael J. Dye
VP, Investments
Michelle Gordon
Chief of Staff
Rochelle Eisenberg
Assistant Vice President Of Public Relations And Agency Marketing
Jeffrey Blavatt
Executive Director, Insight Israel Forum
Will Linker
Senior Help Desk Associate