Jairo Burgos de la Espriella is a member of Avianca Holdings S.A. Board of Directors member since May 2019. Mr. Burgos de la Espriella is a Lawyer by training and has worked as a consultant in corporate strategy, human resources and conflict management, with extensive executive experience in business management and high-performance teams. He is the founder and CEO of Talent & Talante, a firm specializing in labor strategy. He served, for more than 20 years, as Vice President of Human Resources of the Bancolombia Group, during 2004 and 2005 he was the Lead Manager of the Merger of Bancolombia, Conavi and Corfinsura. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of Protection S.A, Sufinanciamiento S.A., Banco Mundo Mujer and Banco Agrario de Colombia. He holds a LLB from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, specialist in Company By-Laws and Corporate Labor Law.