The Development Team at Azur Games consists of a diverse group of skilled professionals including Unity Developers, Full-stack Developers, Data Engineers, and Devops Engineers. They collaborate to design, develop, and optimize high-performing mobile games across various genres. This team ensures that each project meets technical standards and delivers an engaging player experience, contributing significantly to Azur Games' standing as a top mobile game publisher globally.
Aleksey Samodelkin
Lead Devops Engineer
Alexander Maximovich
Lead Unity Developer
Andrew Zakharchenko
Lead Unity Developer
Artem Suprunovich
Unity Developer
Dmitriy Khokhlov
Senior Devops Engineer
Dmitriy Pronkin
Full-stack Developer
Dmitry Golovin
Lead Unity3d Developer
Evgeniy Mitin
Senior Developer, Team Lead - ...
Natalia Leontyeva
Lead Unity Developer
Nikita Mishustin
Data Engineer
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