Daniel Georg Michael Mayr

Aufsichtsratsmitglied at BluePrint AG

Daniel Georg Michael Mayr is an experienced legal professional currently serving as Aufsichtsratsmitglied at BluePrint AG and Syndikusrechtsanwalt at Versicherungskammer Bayern. Previous roles include Rechtsreferendar with a focus on their Wahlstation at Frühsorger-Mühlberger, as well as Rechtsreferendar at Oberlandesgericht München. Daniel has also contributed as a student assistant at SKW Schwarz and Sozietät HGA, and provided social services for the Vereinigung Integrationsförderung e.V. Educationally, Daniel holds a Volljurist/Rechtsassessor degree from Oberlandesgericht München, an erstes Juristisches Staatsexamen in Rechtswissenschaften from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, and Allgemeine Hochschulreife from Theresien-Gymnasium.
