BrightArrow Adapt Unique Needs in a Fast-Changing World to Keep Timely & Accurate Mass Communications Going Where they Need.
Raymond Bily
Your data is secure with BrightArrow. Our infrastructure is protected by 256-bit software and hardware firewall. The only one that uses your data is you! Only a very few employees have access to client data and are all bound by strict Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality agreements.
We work to high professional standards, and we are committed to continuous improvement. You are our customer; your needs are always our top priority.
We will respond to your requests as fast as possible. We offer our clients 24×7 technical support by sending an email or calling 425-558-2100. Generally, a response, either by a phone call or email will arrive within hours, with urgent requests much more quickly. Our friendly, experienced, and well-trained staff will take the time to fully understand your request and provide you with a solution that meets your needs.
We believe that a fully featured and integrated Mass Notification Solution should be cost effective without sacrificing reliability or functionality. Our price is fair and all inclusive, including service, implementation, 24×7 support and training. All pricing will be explained up front and there will be no hidden or surprise costs.