Canal de Panamá


The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) is an autonomous legal entity of the Republic of Panama in charge of the operation, administration, management, preservation, maintenance, and modernization of the Panama Canal. Its activities and related services ensure that the Canal may operate in a safe, continuo... Read more


Panamá, PA




Org chart

Ricaurte Vasquez
Chief Executive Officer/administrator

Ricaurte Vasquez

Rafael G. S. Pirro Estévez
Chief Business Development Officer
Ilya Espino de Marotta
Chief Sustainability Officer
Ricky Fletcher
Chief Enterprise Architect
Victor Vial
Chief Financial Officer
José Eduardo Gil M
Presidente - CPO
Leon Kadoch
Digital Marketing Director
Edwin Nateron
Jefe De Maquinas Encargado De Remolcador
Efraín Isaza Cerrud
Chief Engineer
Floyd Jaén
Chief Engineer In Charge
Fran Bustamante
Chief Engineer
Francisco Bustamante Casas
Chief Engineer Incharge Of Tug Boat
Sergio de Leon
Cyber Security Manager - CISO