The Instruction and Coaching Team at Central Rock Gym specializes in offering a wide range of classes and guidance for climbers of all levels. They provide personalized coaching for climbing techniques, lead advanced training programs, conduct yoga and fitness classes, and offer youth climbing coaching to foster the next generation of climbers. This team ensures a holistic, supportive, and challenging environment to help every member achieve their climbing and fitness goals.
Adam Constantilos
AMGA Single Pitch Instructor
Alec Sullivan
Instructor And Digital Media S...
Amy Zubieta
Yoga Instructor & Front Desk
Christopher Rumpl
Climbing Instructor
Dimitra Moretto
Tabata Instructor
Erin Piermarini
Yoga Instructor
Grace Yang
Yoga Teacher
Hannah Ballantine
Yoga Instructor And Youth Clim...
Leah Gussoff
Assistant Head Coach | Routese...
Liz Laneri
Yoga Instructor
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