
1 follower

Chiasma is a late-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on improving the lives of patients suffering from orphan diseases by developing and commercializing novel oral forms of therapies that are available today only by injection.





Org chart

Raj Kannan
Chief Executive Officer

Raj Kannan

Asi Haviv
VP Clinical Development
Dan Thornton
VP Market Access and Patient Services
David Plante
VP Information Technology
Dawn Schottlandt
VP Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
Derek Brown
VP Marketing
Drew Enamait
VP Finance & Administration
Ethel Koczon
VP Clinical Operations
Gary Patou
Head of Clinical
Joe Lyons
Executive Director Human Resources
Lee Giguere
VP General Counsel
Scott Mcconnell
VP Medical Affairs
Shoshie Katz
VP Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs
William Ludlam
Senior VP Clinical Development and Medical Affairs