Child Care Resource Center



The Child Care Resource Center (CCRC) has been serving children, families, and child care providers since 1976. CCRC manages programs to assist with issues such as finding and selecting child care and child care financial assistance to families. Children and families benefit from these programs, all... Read more





Org chart

Michael Olenick
President & CEO

Michael Olenick

Denise Trinh
Roger Gagnon
VP & Chief Administration Officer
Donna Sneeringer
VP & Chief Strategy Officer
Lisseth Zouhbi
VP & Chief Human Resources Officer
Jose Ramos
VP & Chief Program Officer
Betty Zamorano-Pedregon
Director, Head Start Birth to Five
Susan Montalvo
Director, Communications
Cristina Lopez
Director, Facilities & Real Estate
LaWanda Wesley
Director, Government Relations
Svitlana Dolinko
Director, Internal Audit
Susan Savage
Director, Research & Evaluation
Eileen Friscia
Director, Resource & Referral Programs
James Moses
Director, San Bernardino, Regional
Cynthia Renteria
Director, Workforce Development
Sarah Toutant
Director, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Kelly Morehouse-Smith
Director, Family Well-Being
Beth Chiaro
Director, Child Care Financial Assistance Partnerships
Jeanette Stalboerger
Director, Organizational Development
Rebecca Patton
Director, System Integrations
Elizabeth Melendrez
Manager, Statewide PDG-R
Cyndi Trujillo
Manager, Workforce Development, San Fernando Valley
Manuel Ruiz
Manager, Child Care Financial Assistance
Susan Mazzei
Manager, Workforce Development, Antelope Valley
Lariesha Floyd
Manager, Home Visiting, Family Well-Being, Antelope Valley
Ciante Charles
Manager, Child Care Financial Assistance
Francesca Kuruppu
Business Operations Manager II
Rochelle Betancourt
Manager, Child Care Financial Assistance, San Bernardino
Paulette Snyder
Manager, Case Management, Victorville
Bill Swindle
Manager, Communications
Felix Bada
Manager, Creative Services
Susan Sawah
Manager, Customer Care & Support
Jacqueline Corrales
Manager, EHS CCP
Jerri Stewart
Manager, Family Engagement, Resource & Referral
Rosario Williams
Manager, Family Well-Being
Patrick MacFarlane
Manager, Government Relations
Eileen Pierce
Manager, Home Visiting, Resource & Referral
Denise Kaub
Manager, HR Benefits
Christina Aranda
Manager, Workforce Development, San Bernardino
Stacy Weaver
Manager, Provider Payments
Adrianne Koomer
Manager, Provider Payments
Jennifer Patricio
Manager, Reporting & Analysis
Olivia Pillado
Manager, Research & Evaluation
Patrick Stanley
Manager, Research & Evaluation
Tina Lopez
Manager, Resource & Referral, San Bernardino
Roxana Lesner
Manager, Special Applications Support & Reporting
Christopher Atkinson
Manager, Training, Child Care Financial Assistance
Erika Alvarez
Manager, Clinical Program
Geri Van Luven
Manager, Employee Relations
Kristina Wright
Manager, Human Resources Employment
Lizette Ortiz
Manager, Family Engagement, Early Care & Learning
Adam Zoellmer
Manager, Learning & Development
Sandy Upson
Manager, Policy Research
Delia Acosta
Manager, Program
Sharon Diaz
Manager, Program, Antelope Valley
Koneca Johnson
Manager, Property
Andria Varner
Manager, Research


Vision Statement: Healthy and strong children and families living in thriving communities.

Mission Statement: CCRC cultivates child, family and community well-being.

We act with integrity in our daily actions.

We are dedicated to every client’s success.

We treat everyone with respect.

We live our values through collaboration.

Healthy and strong children and families living in thriving communities.

We strive for excellence in all that we do - We create new and innovative ways to serve our community.