The CIC nanoGUNE is a research center established in 2009 with the mission of addressing basic and applied world-class research in nanoscience and nanotechnology, fostering high-standard training and education of researchers in this field, and promoting the cooperation among the different agents in... Read more

Org chart

José María Pitarke

Ainara Garcia
Technology Transfer Director
Miren Alberdi
Finance&hr Director
Gorka Arregui
Facilities Manager
Itziar Otegui
Outreach Manager
Yurdana Castelruiz
Projects Manager
Alba Baile
Alexander Bittner
Group Leader
Andreas Berger
Group Leader
Andrey Chuvilin
Group Leader
Cecilia Wetzl
Post Doctoral Researcher
Felix Casanova
Group Coleader
Luis Hueso
Group Leader
Mariana Medina
Group Leader
Mato Knez
Group Leader
Miquel Torras
Post Doctoral Researcher
Nacho Pascual
Group Leader
Paolo Vavassori
Group Coleader