Maureen E. Lally-Green joined the CNX Board in June 2013. Ms. Lally-Green currently serves as Chair of the NCG Committee and a member of the Compensation Committee and ESCR Committee. Ms. Lally-Green served as the Dean of Duquesne University School of Law (as of July 1, 2016) until her retirement (June 30, 2019). She is presently an Adjunct Professor of Law at Duquesne. She has served on the board of Federated Mutual Fund Complex since August 2009 and was appointed to serve on its audit committee in May 2013. Ms. Lally-Green has served in various legal and business roles and directorship positions throughout her career. She previously served as Associate General Secretary, Diocese of Pittsburgh (retired August 2015) and as a member of the Superior Court of Pennsylvania (retired 2009). She is also a member of the Board of Continuing Judicial Education of the Pa. Supreme Court. As of January 2, 2020, she was appointed by the Pa. Supreme Court as a member of the Appellate Courts Procedural Rules Committee. Ms. Lally-Green also has held the positions of: Director, Auberle; Director, Ireland Institute of Pittsburgh; Director, Saint Thomas More Society; Director, Epilepsy Foundation of Western and Central Pennsylvania; Director, Pennsylvania Bar Institute; Director and Chair, North Catholic High School, Inc.; Director and Chair, Catholic High Schools of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Inc.; and Director, Saint Vincent College. Ms. Lally-Green brings over 40 years of legal experience to the Board that includes a diversity of experience while serving as a Judge on the Superior Court of Pennsylvania State (a statewide appellate court), her service with a major corporation and the federal government, her activities in the state-wide and local legal communities and her experience with, among other things, corporate governance due to her service on a number of boards of non-profit entities and the for-profit Federated Mutual Fund Complex.