The Operations and Program Management team at Contra Costa County is responsible for the coordination and oversight of various county programs and services. This team ensures the efficient and effective delivery of community-focused initiatives, ranging from environmental health and childcare management to library services and urban planning. They also manage property, energy, and safety programs, ensuring compliance with regulations and fostering community well-being.
Barbara Elliott
ADA Title I Program Manager
Brendan Havenar-Daug...
Energy Manager
Cameron Collins
Field Representative
Cindy Vo
Environmental Health Specialis...
Ernesto de la Torre
Program Manager
Fabiola Ribeiro
Child Care Assistant Manager
Joanne Chiu
Principal Planner, East Contra...
Joseph Lawlor
Senior Planner
Julin Perez
Supervising Real Property Agen...
Rob Tygett
Senior Community Library Manag...
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