Dr. Richard Ward joined the Board as a Non-Executive Director and Senior Independent Director in January 2016.
Richard’s previous experience as a Chief Executive, a NED and a Chairman makes him well suited to the role of SID of the Company. The Board benefits from his experience in the insurance industry and his insight into prudential regulation.
Richard was Chief Executive of Lloyd’s of London from 2006 to 2013. He was Non-Executive Chairman of Brit Syndicates Limited and Executive Chairman of Cunningham Lindsey from 2014 to 2018. He was a NED of Partnership Assurance Group plc, now part of Just Group plc, between 2013 and 2016. Before being Chief Executive of Lloyd’s of London he was previously Chief Executive, later Vice Chairman, of the International Petroleum Exchange, rebranded ICE Futures. Before this, he held a range of senior positions at British Petroleum and was a research scientist for the Science and Engineering Council. Richard was also a NED of London Clearing House, a member of the PwC Advisory Board and a Board member of the Geneva Association.
Richard holds a general advisory role for the Ardonagh Group.