The Operations and Management Team at EMBARKOK is responsible for the efficient planning, development, and execution of the company's various public transportation and parking services. This team ensures the seamless operation of fixed-route bus services, bus rapid transit, modern streetcars, paratransit ADA bus services, specialized transit services, and river ferry transit. They also oversee the management of downtown parking garages and on-street metered parking, coordinate bike share programs, and ensure compliance with ADA and mobility management standards. Additionally, the team manages human resources, scheduling, short-range planning, facility and fleet maintenance, and administrative support to achieve operational excellence.
Chip Nolen
Scheduling & Short Range Plann...
Delano Fisher
Streetcar Operations Manager
Dennis Fry
Facility & Fleet Manager
Jesse Rush
Assistant Director Of Operatio...
Josh Vaught
Spokies Manager
Kharlie Barnaby
Chief Of Bus Operations
Lamar Hammon
Norman Operations Specialist
Marilyn Dillon
Mobility Management Administra...
Mike Shaw
Human Resources Manager
Suzanne Wickenkamp
Assistant Director Of Administ...