The Art and Animation Team at Ember Lab is responsible for creating the visual elements and animation sequences that bring the company’s immersive and evocative stories to life. This team collaborates closely to design and develop characters, environments, and animations that resonate with audiences, ensuring that every visual detail supports the narrative and emotional experience. Their expertise spans concept art, 3D modeling, and character and environment animation, all crucial in delivering the fantastic and innovative experiences Ember Lab is known for.
Angela Paul
Concept Artist
Belinda Nixon
Senior Animator
Daniel Stewart
Senior Technical Animator
Félix Boutié
3d Environment Artist
Hunter Schmidt
Animation Director
Julian Vermeulen
Lead Environment Artist
Laurel Click
3d Animator
Lucas Maxfield
3d Environment Artist
Rodrigo G.
Senior 3d Character Artist
Salvador Ramírez Mad...
Senior Concept Artist
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