The Behavioral Health Team at Family of Kidz specializes in delivering applied behavior analysis (ABA) and other behavioral therapies to individuals with special needs. This team is composed of skilled professionals, including behavior technicians, behavioral therapists, and behavior intervention specialists, who work collaboratively to assess, design, and implement personalized intervention plans. Their goal is to improve clients' adaptive skills and enhance their overall quality of life by addressing behavioral challenges and fostering greater independence.
Alexis Duca
Behavior Technician
Christine Castillo
Behavioral Techn
Devanne Etwaroo
Behavior Technician
Kaitlyn Meagher
ABA Provider
Kiyana Baker M.s., B...
Senior Registered Behavior Tec...
Kristina Cherrington
Behavioral Health Technician
Madison Kessler
Behavioral Therapist
Margaret R Torresson
Senior Behavior Technician
Najmi Ali
Behavioral Therapist
Stephania Flores
Behavior Technician
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