Fidelity National Financial


Fidelity National Financial, Inc. (NYSE:FNF), is a leading provider of title insurance, technology and transaction services to the real est ate and mortgage industries. FNF is the nation’s largest title insurance company through its title insurance underwriters - Fidelity National Title, Chicago Tit... Read more





Org chart

Raymond Quirk

Anthony J. Park
Chief Financial Officer
Donald Cole
Senior Vice President, Chief Underwriting Counsel
Elizabeth Dantin Franklin
Chief Audit Officer
Gary R. Urquhart
Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Fidelity National Title Group
Katie G. Schmidt
Chief Regulatory Officer
Michael L. Gravelle
Executive Vice President, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Mike Nolan
Paul I. Perez
Chief Compliance Officer
Peter T. Sadowski
Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer
Roger Jewkes
Chief Operating Officer
Steven Day
President - National Agency Operations For Fidelity National Financial Family Of Companies
Tara B. Van Rooy
Senior Vice President, Lender Services Legal Group, Fidelity National Title Group
Tony Park
Evp, CFO
Christine Husted
Risk Operations Manager, Enterprise Risk Management
Katie Ayuyu
Vendor Risk Management - Risk Manager
Sandra Brown
Senior Risk Analyst