Gestalt Robotics


Gestalt Robotics is a software and solution provider working at the interface of classic industrial automation and artificial intelligence. We accompany our clients in the innovation process from ideation through prototyping to the integration of finished products. In addition to software developmen... Read more



Berlin, Germany




Org chart

Stefan Mildner
Senior Project Manager

Stefan Mildner

Noora Dahham
Design Manager
Puya Ebrahimi
Team Supervisor
Mirko Kunze
Lead Developer Industrial Robotics
Oksana Rasskazova
Project Leader
Alexander Ladwein
Machine Learning Researcher
Ashok Muralidharan
Software Developer
Grzegorz Mączkowski
Computer Vision Systems Engineer
Jan Nouruzi-Pur
Robotics Software Engineer
Jason van Zelm
Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Joaquin Velasco Jitton
Development Engineer
Judy Hess
Software Developer
Kaspar Naraghi
Development Engineer
Leif Samans
Entwicklungsingenieur Für Automatisierungssysteme
Ludwig Waffenschmidt
Anna Melkonyan
Machine Learning Engineer
Michel Herszak
Product Management @ Gestalt Robotics
Nina Grabka
Robotics & ML Engineer
Roberto Mendieta Lopez
Machine Learning Software Developer
Robert W.
Robotics Machine Learning Engineer
Simone Federici
Machine Learning Engineer
Thorsten Becker
Expert For Machine Intelligence
Johannes Hatz
Industrialisation And Hardware Development Lead & Project Manager