GPD Group

1 follower

Founded in 1961, GPD Group (GPD) has grown from only a handful of people to over 700 professionals in 13 offices located in Akron, Atlanta, Cleveland, Columbus, Dallas, Garfield Heights, Houston, Indianapolis, Louisville, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Seattle, and Youngstown.





Org chart

Darrin Kotecki

Jeff Evans
SVP, Operations
Jackie Bennett
General Counsel
Tina Belz
Senior Director, Public Markets
Mike Hobbs
Senior Director, Public Works
Mike Morrison
Senior Director, Private Markets
Steve Mullaney
Senior Director, Field Services
Christopher Scheks
National Director, Telecommunications
Brian Peterson
National Director, Energy
Brad Ramsey
Director, Finance
Danyelle Sweitzer
Director, Human Resources
Justin Butterfield
Area Director, Telecom
Chaz Arnfield
Director, Electrical Engineering
Jake Bendik
Director, Retail
Josh Eblen
Director, Construction
Mark Grossman
Director, Transportation & Roadway
Brian Hagemeier
Director, Federal & State
James Hewitt
Director, Water
Mike Hiland
Director, IT
John Kabak
Director, Structural Engineering
Brandon Marzley
Director, Mechanical Engineering
Lisa Michela
Director, Education, Texas
Davin Ng
Director, Transportation & Bridges
Jim O’Connor
Director, Power
Ryan Oyster
Director, Restaurants
Mark Salopek
Director, Education & Public Buildings, Ohio
Steven Schaub
Director, Substations, Power
Leonardo Sferra
Director, Site Development
Jimmy Stahl
Director, Water, Kentucky
Edward Reese
Director - Pennsylvania Market
Ng Davin
Principal Chief Bridge Engineer
Terrell Springs
Field Engineer