The Research and Academia team at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur focuses on advancing knowledge through rigorous research, innovative projects, and scholarly publications. Team members, including professors, research scholars, and fellows, work collaboratively to explore new frontiers in various engineering and scientific disciplines while contributing to the academic development of students through teaching and mentorship.
Akshay bawaliwale
Project assistant
Biswajit Mahanty
Professor, Dept. Of Industrial...
Dr. Ayan R.
Associate Professor
Dr. Rajiv Nandan Rai
Associate Professor
Hiranmoy Chattopadhy...
Research Fellow
Namrata Mohanty
Ph.d Scholar ( Reliability Eng...
Neha Patel
Research Scholar
Sayantan Dawn
Senior Research Fellow
Swati Pattanaik
Senior Research Fellow
Tushar Tiwari
Senior Research Fellow (ph.d.)