Internal Revenue Service



The Internal Revenue Service is the nation's tax collection agency and administers the Internal Revenue Code enacted by Congress. The IRS is a bureau of the Department of the Treasury and one of the world's most efficient tax administrators. In fiscal year 2017, the IRS collected $3.4 trillion and p... Read more





Org chart

Douglas O'Donnell

Douglas O'Donnell

Danny Werfel
Commissioner, Internal Revenue
Holly Paz
Commissioner, Large Business & International Division
Emily Kornegay
Chief of Staff
Guy Torres
Deputy Chief Procurement Officer
Teresa Hunter
Chief Financial Officer
Kevin Q. McIver
Chief Of Staff, Internal Revenue Service
Carrie Y. Holland
Chief Diversity Officer
Heather Maloy
Chief Tax Compliance Officer
Kathleen Walters
Chief Privacy Officer
Barry Johnson
Chief Data & Analytics Officer
Jodie Reynolds
Chief Communications & Liaison
Traci DiMartini
Human Capital Officer
Rajiv Uppal
Chief Information Officer
Michael Wetklow
Chief Risk Officer
Julia Caldwell
Acting Chief Facilities Management & Security Service
Guy Ficco
Chief Criminal Investigation
Kenneth Corbin
Chief Taxpayer Services
David Padrino
Chief Transformation & Strategy Office
Fumi Tamaki
Chief Taxpayer Experience Office
Elizabeth Askey
Chief of Independent Office of Appeals
Bridget Roberts
Chief Direct File
John Hinman
Director of Whistleblower Office
Karen S. Howard
Executive Director, Head Of Office Of Online Services
Lou Ann Kelleher
Director, Enterprise Case Management
Kimberly Rogers
Director, Return Preparer Office
Sharyn Fisk
Director, Office of Professional Responsibility