Before joining GLOBAL MONEY ONE INC., Mr. Solares has been working as the CEO of Payment Virtual Mobile Solutions LLC (PAYVMS). In April 2019, PAYVMS developed the AV CASH mobile app for people doing operations from their mobile phones. That included International Remittances, Recharges to prepaid mobile phones in the US, and other countries, including a Prepaid Debit Card as a financial tool to load money.
Mr. Solares also worked for other companies to develop similar programs, Payless Card Solutions LLC, Orbisfintech LLC, BUX Global Inc., Vivi Holdings Inc., And Money Access International Inc. to develop a Prepaid Debit Card for TIGO in the US.
Mr. Solares began his Telecommunications career at GUATEL, a State-owned telecommunications company in Guatemala, as the Technical Deputy General Manager. He then became the Managing Director of AT&T GUATEMALA, operating a switching facility for international wholesale voice services.
He served as President of the American Chamber of Commerce of Guatemala (AMCHAM) and Vice president of AACLA (Association of AMCHAM in Latin America).