Miguel Scavo

Advisor at iQSTEL

Miguel has proven expertise for more than 24 years in Telecommunications Networks, Business Administration, and Business Development in the Telecommunications Industry. He worked in NetUno (Venezuela, Panama, USA, Spain, and Portugal) for more than 16 years. NetUno is one of the most prominent triple-play players in Venezuela (Telephony – Internet – TV). In his professional career in NetUno, Miguel passed for the positions of Network and Operation Manager, Business Development Vice President, Telephony Vice President, and CEO of NetUno International. During his work in NetUno, Miguel was responsible for the Telephony Domestic and International Business in Venezuela. He led and managed the NetUno international expansion over Panama, the USA, Spain, and Portugal and led several companies’ acquisitions for NetUno international business operation. Since 2017, Miguel has had a strong background in BlockChain technology. He got a Magister in the BlockChain Institute & Technology of Barcelona in EADA Barcelona Spain in 2019. Miguel also has taken several highly technical courses and training related to BlockChain Technology. Miguel has been working over the last three years to use the BlockChain technology as a platform to develop solutions that simplify the process and speed up commercial applications for the Telecommunications Industry.
