The Academic Faculty at Islamic Azad University - Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch is responsible for delivering high-quality education and conducting research across diverse academic disciplines. Comprising a blend of instructors, professors, and adjunct faculty, the team engages in curriculum development, lectures, mentorship, and scholarly activities to foster a dynamic learning environment for over 20,000 students while contributing to the university's mission of academic excellence.
Alireza Omrani
Assistant Professor
Amir Hossain Roshanf...
Adjunct Professor
Azizeh Chalak
Associate Professor In TEFL
Dr Amir Mansour Shir...
Head Of Oral Medicine Departme...
Dr Bereihi
Assistant Professor
Dr. Esmaeil Kashkoul...
Assistant Professor
Ebrahim Eskandarifar...
Farzin Salehi
Assistant Professor
Fereshteh Mirniyam
Assistant Professor
Gh Soleimanian
Assistant Professor In Account...