The Senior Directors team at JASA provides strategic leadership and oversight across various specialized programs, ensuring comprehensive and cohesive service delivery to older adults in New York. Each Senior Director manages a specific division, such as NORCs, palliative care, protective services, and mental health, coordinating their efforts to enhance the well-being and quality of life for seniors, while also advocating for their rights and needs in the community and through government affairs.
Aisha Parillon
Senior Director of Older Adult...
Alla Pliss
Senior Director, NORCs
Arielle Basch
Senior Director, Health Servic...
Donna Dougherty
Senior Director, Legal Service...
Elaine Rockoff
Senior Director, Care & Case M...
Kerri Marsteller
Senior Director, Residential S...
Leandrew Hill
Senior Director of Facilities ...
Lori Hardoon
Senior Director, Palliative Ca...
Meredith Levine
Senior Director, Information &...
Molly Krakowski
Senior Director, Government Af...
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