

Kenga is an avant-garde publication curated by young African creatives to document the stories, trends, and people driving Afro Gen Z culture. To help brands connect with Gen Z in Africa, Kenga also collaborates with top African creators on campaigns that drive youth culture on the continent.




Org chart


Arinze Obiezue
Founder, CEO & Publisher

Arinze Obiezue

Desmond Vincent
Co-Founder, Managing Editor
Andrew Djan-Sampson
Director of Photography


Silence your creative ego

We detach our ego from our work we can be as critical, thorough, and pragmatic about our work

Move at the speed of Gen Z

We move really fast, but never at the expense of the quality or scalability of our work

Ground all decisions in data

We let intuition guide our experiments, and hard data guide our decisions

Appreciate the gift of feedback

We understand that feedback, when provided constructively, is a gift to help us learn and grow

Put art at the heart of everything

We seek to make everything we create, individually and collectively, a meritorious work of art