Kentucky Housing Corporation


Kentucky Housing Corporation, created by the 1972 General Assembly, is a self-supporting, public corporation of the Commonwealth of Kentucky that works with many partners across the state, including lenders, government agencies, nonprofit housing providers, builders, real estate agents, community or... Read more





Org chart

Winston Miller
Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer

Winston Miller

Samuel Thorner
General Counsel/deputy Executive Director
Anthony Wright
Assistant Director, Multifamily Programs
Wendy K. Smith
Deputy Executive Director, Housing Programs
Tracy Thurston
Chief Financial Officer/deputy Executive Director, Finance & Investments
Brenda Weaver
Chief Strategy Officer
Curtis Stauffer
Managing Director, Housing Contract Administration
Amy Luscher Smith
Deputy Executive Director
Bryan W.
Information Technology Operations Manager
Keith Lilly
IT Infrastructure Project Manager
Kim Monroe
Information Technology Service Desk & Business Services Manager
Arthur Whitehead
Cyber Security Analyst
Justin King
Senior Software Engineer
Matthew Manche
Sr. Software Engineer