The Physical Therapy Team at Lake Washington Physical Therapy is dedicated to providing personalized rehabilitation and recovery services to clients. With a diverse group of skilled physical therapists and support staff, the team collaborates to create tailored treatment plans that promote healing, enhance mobility, and help clients achieve their fitness and wellness goals, all while fostering a supportive and engaging environment.
Abigail Smith
Physical Therapist
Aneesh Grove
Physical Therapy Aide
Cynthia Rainey Dpt, ...
Physical Therapist
Devin Wulff Pt, Dpt,...
Physical Therapist
Elizabeth Parkhurst ...
Physical Therapist
Jordan Bork Pt, Dpt,...
Physical Therapist
Kendra Alkire
Physical Therapist
Laura Bouma
Physical Therapist
Lorilei Tinio
Physical Therapy Rehabilitatio...
Victor Kollar
Physical Therapist