The Corporate Administration team at LC Waikiki plays a vital role in ensuring the effective functioning of the organization's leadership and support functions. This team, comprised of senior executives including the CEO and various vice presidents, focuses on strategic planning, organizational development, and administrative oversight. They are responsible for aligning corporate goals with operational efficiency, fostering a culture of excellence, and driving initiatives that enhance performance and social responsibility within the company.
Gökhan Güney
Strateji ve Dönüşümden Sorumlu...
Güldane Yakalı
Human Resources Director
Hakkı Yıldırmaz
Kurumsal Performans ve Organiz...
Halil İbrahim Ayaşlı
Sosyal Yardımlardan Sorumlu CE...
Hande Meriç
Merkez İnsan Kaynakları Direkt...
Mazlum Yıldırım
Mali İşler Genel Müdür Yardımc...
Mustafa Kucuk
Nilgün Özvardarlı
İdari İşler Direktörü
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