

Lodgify is a vacation rental software solution that allows vacation rental owners and managers to easily create their own accommodation websites and accept online bookings. Owners can manage all reservations from one place and synchronize property data with their booking channels.






Org chart

Dennis Klett



Be real & respectful

We’re real and authentic people. We say what we mean, and we mean what we say. We believe trust is earned, and we work to gain it every day by being transparent, respecting each other, and doing the right thing.

Focus on impact

While we want to do everything, we can't do it all at once. We focus on what really matters to have the most impact. We carefully consider both the short-term and long-term impacts of our choices.

Seek productive debate

We know that we don’t know. We carefully listen, rationally debate with each other and analyze real data. We ignore hierarchies and our egos in our quest to find the truth. The truth always wins.

Act fast & iterate

We take ownership and get things done. Doing is better than not doing. Along the way we will make mistakes: We fail, we learn, we succeed.

We empower

We empower our customers and each other to become independent. We do this by democratizing access to technology, knowledge, and data.

One mission-driven team

We’re a team of ambitious professionals united to further advance our mission. We know that we will only succeed if we work together as one single team. We’re in it for the long run, and we’re in it to win it.

Customers come first

We exist because of our customers. Providing the best experience to them is key; all else will follow.