Madwire Media

1 follower

Provides inbound digital marketing and design services, offering the latest marketing technologies and software to small businesses to help them boost their brand recognition and consumer reach.





Org chart

Founders & CEOs

Jerry Kelly
Chief Marketing Officer
Matt Bryson
Chief Financial Officer
David Jones
Chief Information Security Officer
Dan Isaacs
Chief Brand Officer
Adam Moore
Chief Product Officer
Matt Hertzfeldt
Chief Experience Officer
David Wood
Chief Technology Officer
Andy Baird
Chief Product Development Officer
Ryan Grokulsky
Chief Innovation Officer
Luke Barnes
Chief Business Development Officer
Brian Kelly
General Counsel
Kyle Romberg
Director of Ad Management
Brittany Jackson
Director of Creative
Kelsey Darnell
Director of Onboarding Experience
Shania Buchanan
Director of Content & Strategy
Alyssa Nevergold-Madwire
Social Media Manager
Devin Hill
Social Media Content Manager
Gabriel Cruz Maldonado
Senior Social Media Manager
Joshua Muzzy
Social Media Manager
Kalli Pezel
Senior Social Media Manager
Kessei Tracy-Thompson
Social Media Manager
Lydia Agoliati
Social Media Manager
McKenna Mueller
Social Media Manager
Rachel Thieman
Social Media Manager
Solange Nutter
Social Media Content Manager