The Investigative Team at Marshall Investigative Group specializes in conducting thorough and discreet investigations to uncover fraud and ensure accurate case assessments. Utilizing a diverse skill set, including surveillance, social media analysis, and internet presence investigations, the team collaborates to gather compelling evidence and insights that support clients in establishing reserves and documenting claimant activities. Their commitment to integrity and confidentiality enables them to deliver reliable and timely results across North America.
Austin Turner
Senior Social Media Investigat...
Barry Glasl
Private Investigator
Bethanee Belton
Social Media Investigator
Christopher K.
Deanna Klinger
Hannah S.
Private Investigator
Harry Jay Beauliere
Private Investigator
Jaquan Jones
Private Investigator
Jennifer Malone
Senior Internet Presence Inves...
Jonathan Kroiss
Investigator / Level 1 IT