
1 follower

Medicat is the market leader of hosted and on-premise patient health management solutions for college and university student health clinics. Medicat was the first college health solution to achieve the ONC Health Certification, offer ePrescribing, paperless immunization compliance and compliance ser... Read more




Org chart

Adam Cole
Chief Executive Officer

Adam Cole

Lauren Pragoff
Chief Customer Officer
Nicholas Ferrari
Director of Sales
Claire Powell
Marketing Manager
Alejandro Fallad
Application Development Manager
Rufat Ismayilov
Senior .Net Developer
Ann Wright
Director, Product
Pedro Penso
Manager, Technical Support
Sufyan Shaikh
Accounting Manager
Brian Barkwell
Senior Developer
Katie Lavender
Senior Quality Assurance Analyst
Em Caberto
Compliance Specialist
Gab Isais
Compliance Specialist
Brandon Gilmer
System Administrator