The Educational Professionals team at Meerderweert is dedicated to enhancing the quality of primary education through various roles including teaching, leadership, and support. They focus on curriculum development, student support, and digital literacy initiatives, while ensuring effective governance and operational efficiency. The team collaborates to create a nurturing learning environment that caters to the diverse needs of students in Weert and Nederweert.
Angelique Hendrikx
Bovenschools Ict-coördinator
Anja Augustus
Bovenschoolse Orthopedagoog
Axel Hendriks
Leerkracht Meerderweert
Bart Caris
Voorzitter College Van Bestuur...
Bart Smeets
Register Directeur PO
Carolien Knapen Loij...
Intern Begeleider
Ellen Beerens
Adjunct Directeur
Emmy Hendrikx
Leerkracht Basisonderwijs
Frans Jeurissen
Lid Raad Van Toezicht
Patrick Limpens
Voorzitter raad van bestuur