Metropolitan Community College Area


Metropolitan Community College is Nebraska’s largest community college, offering a quality education that’s affordable, with multiple, convenient locations throughout the greater Omaha area.




Org chart

Randy Schmailzl

Patricia Crisler
Chief Of Staff
James Thibodeau
AVP for Compliance & General Counsel
María Vazquez
VP, Student Affairs
Tom McDonnell
VP, Academic Affairs
Kay Friesen
VP for Operations
Melissa Beber
VP for Human Resources
Cynthia Gooch-Grayson
AVP, Equity and Inclusion
Nannette Rodríguez
AVP, Marketing, Brand and Communication
Amy Recker
AVP for Advancement & Executive Director of the MCC Foundation
Gary Girard
AVP for Community and Workforce Education
Chris Swanson
AVP for Pathway Support Systems
Tammy Green
Director of Workforce & IT Innovation-Career Skills
Lesa Villafuerte
Assistant Director of Advancement
Brenda Schumacher
College Business Officer
Julie Lanxon
Executive Assistant To The President
Linda Moraine
Enrollment Services Assistant