Moore Wilson's


Moore Wilson’s began life in Wellington as a general wholesale merchant. From the day the doors opened, it’s been a family business, managed day-to-day by the Moore family. You will find the family has a very hands-on approach, and this is reflected in the friendly personality and character of the s... Read more





Org chart

Graeme Moore
Managing Director

Graeme Moore

Julie Moore
Executive Director
Amanda Thompson
General Manager
Nick Moore
Operations Manager
Lynn Smith
HR Manager
Annemaree Deed
Finance Manager
Janet Gibb
Grocery, Chilled & Frozen Category Manager
Paul Stringer
Wine Category Manager
Susan Mcarthur
Kitchen & Homeware Category Manager
Vicki Kennedy
Toy Category Manager
Viv Riddiford
Porirua Store Manager
Kerrin Maulder
Masterton Store Manager
Jude Jones
Lower Hutt Store Manager
Andy Bentley
Online Category Manager
Cate Toomey
Beer & Spirit Category Manager
Morgan Allen-West
Fresh Market Category Manager
Brent Hutchison
IT Coordinator