The Animation Team at MSV Studio is responsible for creating engaging and high-quality animated content for both feature films and television series. Comprising skilled 2D and 3D artists, animators, and storyboard creators, the team collaborates to bring imaginative narratives to life through innovative animation techniques. Their work not only entertains but also aligns with the company's mission of inspiring cultural values and enriching storytelling that resonates with audiences of all ages.
A. Taufiq Bagus Rama...
Storyboard Artist
Agustinus Widodo
Junior 2d Artist
Carter Pramudya A
3d Animator
Dwi Yanuar Setiawan
Junior 2d Animator
Giyas Fauzi R
2d Animator
Intan Laila Sari
3d Animator
Kintan Rw
2d Cut Out Rigger-animation
Lutfia Prihanani
3d Simulation Cloth And Hair
Rahmad Dwi K
3d Artist
Renaldi Taufiq
Junior Animator
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