

Design collaboration in the pursuit of possibility.


Kansas City, US




Org chart

Profile photo

Anthony Rohr

Alexandra Tengco's profile picture
Alexandra Tengco
Vice President
Cady Beansmith's profile picture
Cady Beansmith
Vice President
Carrie Mabee's profile picture
Carrie Mabee
Vice President
Casey Thomas' profile picture
Casey Thomas
Vice President
Chris Brewster's profile picture
Chris Brewster
Vice President
Cj Armstrong's profile picture
Cj Armstrong
Vice President
Curtis Laub
Vice President
David Parks
Vice President
Doug Hurt
Vice President
Erin Rainer
Vice President
Francesca Miller
Vice President
Galen Lif
Vice President
Harriet Rae Grindel
Senior Project Manager | Vice President
Janelle Heimburger
Vice President
Jay Currie Campbell
Vice President
Jay Holley
Vice President
Jim Harrington
Vice President
Jim Miller
Vice President
John Dimmel
Vice President
Katie Dunn
Vice President
Mark Kramer
Vice President
Matt Nugent
Vice President
Michael Ralph
Vice President | Dir. Of Research
Nicolas Bock
Vice President
Patrick Franke
Vice President
Robert Whitman
Vice President
Sam Loring
Vice President
Sean Walton
Vice President
Stacy Roth
Vice President
Timothy Woofter
Vice President
Tom Perica
Vice President
Yukiko Corella
Vice President
Steve Vukelich
Associate Principal
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