The Animation Production Team at Nickelodeon Animation is responsible for overseeing the creation and development of animated programs from concept to final production. This dynamic team, comprised of skilled directors, managers, and artists, collaborates closely to ensure that innovative storytelling and artistic excellence are maintained throughout the animation process. They orchestrate schedules, coordinate resources, and manage creative talent, all while fostering a vibrant environment where imaginative ideas can flourish, ultimately bringing beloved characters and stories to life for audiences worldwide.
Candice Stephenson
Lead Look Development Artist -...
Chris Bailey
Animation Director
Daniel Wineman
Vice President, Animation Deve...
Jason McConnell
Vice President, Animation Deve...
Kate Crownover
Sr Manager Of Preschool Develo...
Lauren Bergholm
Lead Storyboard Artist
Leslie Wishnevski
Manager, Animation Development...
Neil Wade
Manager, Animated Current Seri...
Paul Newberry
Animation Director
Stephanie Alpert
Vice President - Physical Prod...
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