Dermot Ryan is a senior civil and public servant with significant experience in a wide variety of roles.
He is currently the Assistant Secretary General, Dept. of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY). This role includes corporate business functions, encompassing responsibility for financial management including budgetary negotiation and oversight, internal and external HR, digital transformation, governance and performance, development and implementation of risk management function.
Mr. Ryan also leads on the department’s response to Covid 19 and currently on the transition arrangements as the Department pivots towards a blended working environment.
He has experience in the areas of working effectively at the highest levels with boards, senior officials, Cabinet Sub-Committees, private sector leaders and public representatives of all parties over many years; a wide experience in the development and implementation of corporate governance and risk assessment measures; proven expertise in the areas of financial control, budgetary reporting, audit and risk and control; a strong record in delivering on all aspects of strategy, policy and legislation through formulation, drafting and implementation/enactment; considerable experience in the design, implementation of change management systems and leading organisations through policy, strategic and regulatory change measures; extensive experience in solution focused approaches to dealing with the significant challenges involved in dealing with competing stakeholder interests, both within civil/public service and also semi- state and private sectors; developed policy through governmental, committee and working group structures at National and at EU level; significant experience in litigation at National and European levels; and, experienced in dealing with the media and communication challenges.
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