Phoenix East Aviation



Founded in 1972, Phoenix East Aviation has gained recognition as one of the finest educational training facilities throughout the world. Our founder was a retired Airline Captain and a former Chairman of the U.S. Presidential Aviation Advisory Board. He was also past Vice President of the Airline Pi... Read more





Org chart

Ghassan Reslan

Dale Johnson
IT Director
Andre M.
Vice President Administration
Michael Halligan
Chief Operating Officer
Joshua Flug
Vice President Sales And Marketing
Ernest Shelton
Base Manager Flagler
Aniediong Akpan
Flight Instructor
Carlos Andres Rodriguez
Certified Flight Instructor
Dan Ruben Norum
Certified Flight Instructor
Eshwer Aaditya
Certified Flight Instructor
Frederick Miles
Flight Instructor
Harsha Indurti
Flight Instructor
Harsha Mutyala
Certified Flight Instructor
Hussain Tobaiqi
Certified Flight Instructor
Jatinkumar Bijwani
Certified Flight Instructor
Joshua Peterson
Instructor Pilot
Juan Camilo Velez Nino
Certified Flight Instructor
Martin Paley
Certified Flight Instructor
Morten Rivelsrud
Certified Flight Instructor
Nicholas Oravetz
Flight Instructor
Noah Daduut
Administrative Pilot Examiner
Rajat Nair Ratna Kumar
Certified Flight Instructor
Ravi Sankar
Certified Flight Instructor
Tegvir Anand
Certified Flight Instructor & Check Airmen
Ting-Jung Chang
Certified Flight Instructor