Rena Ware


Rena Ware is a manufacturing company engaged in the production of home cook ware and water filtration products.

Org chart

Ben Zylstra
Chief Executive Officer

Ben Zylstra

Ramses B.
Creative Manager
Juan David Gutierrez
Global Information Technology Director
Mauricio Guevara
Chief Of Financial Services
Alejandra Galvis Quintero
Community Manager
Paula Ruíz
Worldwide Sourcing Manager
Mark Jaquith
Director Of Sales Development
Christy Zylstra
Chief Giver
Chris Apken
Vice President
Cinthia Chacón Trillos
Independent Business Owner
Manuel Quiros
Representante De Ventas Externas
Natcha Tanrattanawong
Special Project Recruiter At Rena Ware Thailand
Rene Coreas
Reclutador De Fuerza De Ventas