The Instructors and Educators team at Saturday Academy is responsible for designing and delivering hands-on, project-based classes and workshops that engage young learners in various subjects. They connect students with community experts, facilitate intensive learning experiences, and mentor students in specialized fields such as microbiology, computer technology, photography, emergency preparedness, and more. Their role is crucial in fostering intellectual development and career preparation for pre-college students through immersive and practical education.
Afrovivalist ~Huntre...
Emergency Response Instructor
Alaguyasodha Duraisa...
Microbiology Instructor
Angela Holm
Photography Teacher
Beth Morton
Carolyne Haycraft
Facilitator And Teacher
Frank Young
Greg Baty
Sharon Ross
Emergency Preparedness Instruc...
Sonya Neunzert
Yolanda Frazier
Computer Technology Educator