The Physical Therapy Team at Silver Creek Physical Therapy is dedicated to providing high-quality rehabilitation services to patients in the community. This multidisciplinary team of skilled physical therapists and technicians utilizes evidence-based techniques, including manual therapy and therapeutic exercises, to promote recovery and enhance mobility. By closely collaborating with patients, they develop personalized treatment plans aimed at restoring function and improving overall quality of life.
Alexa Sperling Pt, D...
Physical Therapist
Chelsey Claassen (Or...
Clinic Director
Jayregis Auen
Lead Physical Therapy Technici...
Jessica Bobeda
Staff Physical Therapist
Josephine Wu
Physical Therapist
Kshitija Barawkar
Physical Therapist
Manuel Pereira
Physical Therapy Aide
Meiying Lam
Physical Therapist
Nishi Shah
Physical Therapist
Tim K.
Physical Therapy Technician